This series is hosted by Dr. Sok-ho Trinh, aka Dr. Passion, a doctor in Positive Psychology and Leadership studies.
Sok-ho holds a BSc, a MSc, a MBA, a CPCC, a PCC, a PGCE in learning and teaching in Higher Education and a PhD in positive psychology and leadership studies.
Dr. Passion and his worldly guests, provide valuable lessons for organisational leaders operating at a C-suite and senior level, entrepreneurs, managers of dysfunctional teams, coaches who work with leaders and organizations, and anyone who is looking for a sense of purpose and passion, searching for happiness and success in life and work.
Some of the topics may include: dealing with the dark side of leadership, driving employees and team engagement, the search for a life purpose and Ikigai, high performing teams in a virtual setting, post Covid ways to measure success at work and in leadership, mechanisms and secret of change management, and many more…